Sunday, January 27, 2008


Persuasive Writing Workshop

“The moment we want to believe something, we suddenly see all the arguments for it, and become blind to the arguments against it.”

Instructions: Working with your group, use this worksheet to help you build all the components of your persuasive essay. Reflect back on the above quote, and remember the goal of a persuasive essay is to make your reader believe.

Helpful Key Terms
persuasion- a tool to show your readers that your point of view is the right one
pro- for, the positive, the benefits, the good
con-against, the negative, the bad
purpose- the final goal
issue-a subject about which people disagree
audience-specific group of people to which your paper is addressed
logical appeal- speaking to the reader’s head
emotional appeal- speaking to the reader’s heart

Fill in the required information:

What is your issue:__________________________________________________________________________

In a persuasive essay, your thesis statement should tell both your issue and your point of view on it.

Formula: Issue + Point of View = Thesis Statement

Issue- Should minors be allowed to get tattoos with parent consent?
Point of View- No they should not (con)
Thesis- Minors should not be allowed to get tattoos with their parent’s consent.

Thinking about your persuasive purpose, write a thesis statement on your issue:

To Whom It May Concern: You should write a persuasive essay with a specific group of people, your audience, in mind.

Which groups of people would find my issue important? _________________________________________

Which specific group do I want to convince? _______________________________________________________

What type of people make up my audience? _______________________________________________________

How does this group feel about my issue? _________________________________________________________

What objections might this group have to my opinion? _______________________________________________


After brainstorming reasons with group members with the same point of view, share your responses with your opponents to determine possible counterarguments.

Possible Counterarguments:


2.) ______________________________________________________________________________________

3.) ______________________________________________________________________________________

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